


Lena Mac’s work explores states of mindfulness, healing and the divine feminine. Combining figurative symbols with abstracted forms, she creates metaphorical spaces that contemplate the spiritual and mysterious aspects of the world around us and our place within it. 

Rae Heller makes large scale quilts that hold the immense pain and paradoxical aliveness of grief. Rae grieves the loss of a friend, processes the decision of motherhood, and celebrates the joy of being alive through quilt making. Celebrating life and processing death is held in the durable softness of quilts.

Come see these two artists' works in dialogue. Lena and Rae’s creative practices are spiritual, and ultimately, the work created is of spirit. 

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June ANO

June ANO

TONY(A) LEMOS: Art that Breathes

Art Made in Collaboration with Nature.  Art which fosters a spirit of engagement with the Natural World through a creative and sustainable practice, using art techniques w/ foraged and found materials. With this collection I wish to inspire the viewer and encourage a sense of wonder, a remembering of what it feels like to be in a relationship with the Earth.

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This exciting new work looks at polarity and considers how currently we use TEXT to express ourselves in important moments. Also, incorporating language into visual art can feel too easy, almost like giving the viewer the answer to a question they haven't been asked. These images ask you to look, consider, puzzle, and discover. Sometimes the last letter of one word is the first letter of the next word.  In some cases, this creates even more words. The different colored letters also sometimes spell words. The bold colors in all caps TEXT important messages about Culture, Sexuality, Mortality and Gender. This new work holds onto the typical beauty of Jo's paintings while integrating bold contradictions and bravery into a sensual harmony.

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December ANO

December ANO

Jo is super excited to have Lena at the gallery in December. Lena “Mac” McCarthy (b. Boston, 1992) is an American visual artist primarily painting and making large scale murals.

Her work explores states of mindfulness, healing and the divine feminine. Combining figurative symbols with abstracted forms, she creates metaphorical spaces that contemplate the spiritual and mysterious aspects of the world around us and our place within it.

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April 14

April 14

Diane Nevinsmith’s watercolor portraits are both interiors and landscapes. They are landscapes with regard to painting technique as the colors and values change over the surface of the subject. The surface of the face is simply a series of hills and valleys. More importantly, portraits are interiors because it is her goal is to reveal a persons "interior" with the pose and expression. Diane says her hope is for the viewer to see something to relate to, or maybe to make up a story to go with what they see and feel when looking at the painting. If this happens, then the painting is successful.

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