Jo Smith was born into a family of artists and has been making art her whole life. “Making things is what I do, its what I’ve always done. I deepen my understanding of myself and all parts of my life by getting into the studio and entering the creative process.”

For 2 years Jo painted in a studio in Easthampton, MA in the Eastworks building. In August 2022 she opened a Studio Gallery in Northampton, MA at 9 Market Street. This is where she paints and sells her work.

If Jo isn’t painting she’s probably at home with her beautiful family, taking a hike, on a run or cycling the Pioneer Valley. Her work is inspired by the beauty of the area and all the creatures who live here.

Jo is also known to many as Joanna and is a psychotherapist originally trained as an Art Therapist. To learn more about Jo and her work as a therapist you can visit her other website